What are the Land Development Code and citywide plans?
The land development code regulates how all land in the city is used, from single-family neighborhoods to larger scale commercial, residential, and industrial developments and everything in between.
The land development code includes the city's zoning ordinances, as well as other regulations relating to land uses, the size and scale of structures, density, parking, aesthetic considerations, and the locations and type of required infrastructure and other development features.
Long-Range Comprehensive Plan:
These are vision and policy documents which guide the city's long-term development & provides a blueprint for the future. Florida statutes require all local governments in the state to maintain a comprehensive plan that is consistent with statutory requirements and with the State Comprehensive Plan and regional plans.
The comprehensive plan is implemented primarily through the land development code and other ordinances, which translate the plan’s broad policies into the real-world standards and regulations that all development in the city must follow.
This plan provides for the city’s overall planning framework to ensure that growth is developed in the best possible manner. The Citywide Master Plan guides anticipated private development and public realm enhancements, encourages and sustains desired economic growth, and shapes the development of a vibrant, mixed-use, sustainable, pedestrian-oriented urban environment with an appealing character and sense of place. The Master Plan illustrates the desired physical form of the city and specifies changes to the regulatory and policy framework required to implement the plan’s recommendations.
Design guidelines are intended to implement and provide guidance on site and building design throughout the City of Hallandale Beach. The purpose of this document is to provide direction to land developers in preparing plans and to the Planning and Zoning Division in its review of development projects. The primary intent of these guidelines is to establish and promote standards for development planning and urban design.